Muhammad Qasim Dreams Part 1

- 25 Mei 2021, 05:00 WIB
Muhammad Qasim.
Muhammad Qasim. /

WartaBulukumba - He is an ordinary young man who comes from Pakistan.

His is Muhammad Qasim. He started sharing his life story on the internet since 6-7 years ago.

Nowadays, we still able to trace the footstep of his preaching on various social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, online forums, and so on.

The story of Muhammad Qasim's dreams, originally written in English and Urdu, but it has been translated into some languages include Indonesian, Malay, Turkish, Arabic, French and so on.

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Several books also discuss Muhammad Qasim's dreams. Two of them are books in Indonesian, entitled Kajian Mimpi Muhammad Qasim Bin Abdul Karim. It was written by Indra Noferia in 2018, and Allah dan Muhammad dalam Mimpiku which has written in a team: Helper Muhammad Qasim, published in 2019.

In one of his dreams, Qasim saw that Turkey and Saudi Arabia would suffer, severe damage and riots due to the actions of the enemies of Islam.

Soon after that, the two superpowers, namely the United States along with the Zionist Jewish Israel and Russia will compete with each other to control the countries in the Middle East.

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Several Muslim countries will join the United States or Russia. It will be the beginning of the third world war.

At the same time, Pakistan would thrive after suffering some damage from previous attacks from India.

Pakistan would develop rapidly in various fields, such as economy, technology, and the ideal model of the Islamic government system.

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Even Pakistan would have the strength of the world's most advanced and most powerful black fighter jet fleet known in the hadiths as the "black banner".

Seeing these black fighter jets, many Muslims from all over the world started moving to Pakistan to help build Islam.

At that time, Turkey and Saudi Arabia had already lost and fell into the hands of the enemies of Islam, leaving only Pakistan as the last stronghold of Muslims.

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India would also start attacking Pakistan again after seeing this progress.

As soon as Pakistan won over India in the Ghazwa Hind, Indonesia and Malaysia and other Muslim countries from the east would ally themselves with Pakistan.

This united Muslim army would succeed in liberating the entire Middle East. And Palestine was the first country they freed from Zionist occupation.

These troops will succeed in coming out as winners in the most terrible war in human history or what is known in the hadith as al-Malhamah al-Kubra.

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The following is one of the narratives Muhammad Qasim uploaded on the internet when he first shared his dreams.

Assalammu'alaikum, I am Qasim from Pakistan. Since 27 years ago, Allah and Prophet Muhammad SAW have often come into my dreams. The first time they both entered into my dream at the same time was when I was 12 years old and when I was 17 both of them started regularly entering into my dreams. Since then, Allah has come into my dream at least 500 times and Prophet Muhammad SAW has come at least 300 times. I testify that there is no god but Allah and Prophet Muhammad SAW is the messenger of Allah.
In 2007, Allah and Prophet Muhammad SAW taught me what I can and cannot do. Especially about avoiding all kinds of shirk. I have seen in many of my dreams how Islam and Muslims will revive all over the world. For the first time Allah told me about this in April 2014, namely: "Qasim, I want you to tell the whole world about your dreams and I want everyone to know who you really are."
I have spread the contents of my dreams to family members, friends and neighbors but they all ignore me. After that, I stopped spreading the contents of my dreams. Then in December 2014, Prophet Muhammad SAW appeared in my dream twice a night and said: "You have to save Islam and Pakistan by spreading your dreams!" In a state of despair I asked myself: "What should I do?"
I don't know why Allah and Prophet Muhammad kept entering my dreams. I am just an ordinary Muslim, not even a pious person. It's just that I'm telling the truth and I just want to be God's friend. I have never seen Allah, I just feel through my dream that Allah is on the Throne and I hear His voice or see His light from there. And in all these dreams I feel that Allah is closer to my neck veins and the front of my head. I only saw the noble body of the Prophet Muhammad SAW because my gaze was always bowed respectfully.

In several dreams, I shook hands with Prophet Muhammad and embraced him and my body testifies that it is the noble body of Prophet Muhammad. Allah told me in a dream in 1994 that: "Qasim, I will fulfill My promise to you and if I fail, then I am not the King of All Worlds."
From that day on I believed in Allah and always waited for His promises and whenever I started to lose hope, Allah or Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would advise me patiently and say: "Qasim, Muslims don't give up, don't be like unbelievers."

In many dreams, Allah and Prophet Muhammad SAW guided me to the straight path and in many dreams, Allah told me that: "Qasim, fill the world with light as it was previously filled with darkness."

Allah and Prophet Muhammad SAW said to me: “One day you will bring all Muslims out of darkness and the whole world will be filled with light and peace. All of this will start with Pakistan."
In another dream I saw the Dajjal trying to destroy that world peace.

Allah informed me that we will be the last people of Prophet Muhammad SAW on this earth and the Day of Judgment will be established on the worst people among us.

In February 2015, the Prophet Muhammad SAW told me in a dream that is: “Don't give up, my son. You are very close to your destiny and Allah is always helping you. Wait a little longer. "

Many people say I am crazy or my dreams are from the devil but Allah told me a few years back: "Qasim, read the last three Qul surahs before you sleep so that the devil will stay away from you." and I've been living it for years.

Allah has told me in many dreams that: "Qasim, one day I will help you and give you success and I will fulfill all of My promises that I have to stay just one day before the Day of Judgment."

I don't know when that day will come.
(Please read further in the Muhammad Qasim Dreams Part 2 edition).***

Editor: Alfian Nawawi


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