Muhammad Qasim Dreams Part 1

- 25 Mei 2021, 05:00 WIB
Muhammad Qasim.
Muhammad Qasim. /

Several Muslim countries will join the United States or Russia. It will be the beginning of the third world war.

At the same time, Pakistan would thrive after suffering some damage from previous attacks from India.

Pakistan would develop rapidly in various fields, such as economy, technology, and the ideal model of the Islamic government system.

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Even Pakistan would have the strength of the world's most advanced and most powerful black fighter jet fleet known in the hadiths as the "black banner".

Seeing these black fighter jets, many Muslims from all over the world started moving to Pakistan to help build Islam.

At that time, Turkey and Saudi Arabia had already lost and fell into the hands of the enemies of Islam, leaving only Pakistan as the last stronghold of Muslims.

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India would also start attacking Pakistan again after seeing this progress.

As soon as Pakistan won over India in the Ghazwa Hind, Indonesia and Malaysia and other Muslim countries from the east would ally themselves with Pakistan.


Editor: Alfian Nawawi


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